Повсть грубошерста для прокладок марки А ГПрА 6-20 мм

Повсть грубошерста для прокладок марки А ГПрА 6-20 мм від компанії ТОВ "УКРСТАРЛАЙН" - фото 1
320 ₴
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 Оплата за реквізитами на розрахунковий рахунок


Coarse-wool felt for pads brand A GPRA 6-20mm - non-woven fabric, which can be of both natural and synthetic origin. It is made from light industry waste: wool, linen, cotton, synthetic fabrics and others. The material is very popular in the furniture industry, used as a lining material. Due to its universal properties, it is used both in industry and in everyday life. Felt cloth is an ancient material made by people from animal hair, using felting. Today, there are many types of felt: household, technical, fine wool, heat-pressed, artificial and others. Depending on the area of application, the felt cloth comes in different thicknesses and densities. The most popular is felt with a density of 450 and 500g/m2. Properties Soundproofing thermal insulation Good hygroscopicity Good air permeability Durability and naturalness Absorbs harmful substances, formaldehyde Not an allergen Healing abilities Self cleaning Good ductility Drapes great wear resistance Felt has long been popular due to its unique properties. It is used in the furniture industry: a gasket between the filler and springs, in the manufacture of shoes, is used as a soundproofing material in the automotive industry, shipbuilding, for tailoring, the manufacture of decorative products and jewelry. Here you can buy Coarse-wool felt for pads grade A GprA 6-20mm at the best price in Ukraine. A wide range of products allows us to quickly and efficiently fulfill any order, helping to complete any construction work on time.


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