Гумовий бордюр 500 х 210 мм, товщина 50 мм

Гумовий бордюр 500 х 210 мм, товщина 50 мм від компанії ТОВ "УКРСТАРЛАЙН" - фото 1
39 ₴
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100 ₴
100 ₴
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 Оплата за реквізитами на розрахунковий рахунок


Rubber border 500 x 210 mm, thickness 50 mm - a limiter that is installed on children's playgrounds and sports grounds, recreation areas, treadmills. The border can also be successfully used in landscape design - for decorating lawns and flower beds, as well as a universal fence when decorating garden, park paths, etc. The dimensions of the border are 500 mm by 500 mm with a height of 210 mm, which allows you to fix it deep enough and securely. Rubber crumb borders are durable, have high tensile strength, are not amenable to chemical and physical influences, are resistant to temperature extremes, are safe from injury, securely fix the boundaries of the object, and also look very beautiful outwardly due to the texture of the material and the wide range of colors that we offer. . Here you can buy a Rubber border 500 x 210 mm, thickness 50 mm at the best price in Ukraine. A wide range of products allows us to quickly and efficiently fulfill any order, helping to complete any construction work on time.


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